Learn the Art of Leaf Printing
Join us for an Instagram LIVE to Learn the Art of Leaf Printing
We’re letting our creative juices flow with a do-it-along Leaf Printing session on our Instagram Live on 8th Dec (Wednesday at 9 p.m.) with Sonam Mishra. She’ll be teaching us this simple yet aesthetic technique in creating excellent backgrounds/paintings, which can also be applied to making various other things like bookmarks, greeting cards, journal spreads, etc. And since at ES, we do everything with a purpose to educate ourselves and spread knowledge, you’ll also get to know more about tips and tricks associated with leaf printing and the various prints using this same technique. Additionally, you’ll get to ask any questions or share your experiences and leaf printings with us LIVE! So don’t forget to get the materials to do-it-along with us. You don’t need expensive paints etc, just some fallen leaves and sketch pens are all you need.
What you will need for this INSTA LIVE:
- Some fallen leaves (any shape or size you find)
- Paper
- Sketchpens/Brushpens
Let’s get to know Sonam Mishra
Sonam Mishra has worked as an assistant professor in Engineering Colleges and is an artist by passion. She has taught more than 1000 students in person and in online sessions and believes that each and every soul on Earth is artistic, only their art form is different, and we fully agree with her. Check out more of her work here.
Note: No need to register for this event. You can attend this Instagram Live by clicking on the attend button below or simply joining us on our Instagram Profile on 8th December (Wednesday at 9 p.m.) Set a reminder and add this to your calendar using the buttons below.