One of the best things about life is that we never have to stop learning. Our education background maybe varied, but one thing we all have in common is; there is always scope to learn more. But, the question is – Do We? And more importantly, what can we learn? It’s always been drilled into our heads to study hard and get into the best schools/colleges, so that we be “successful”. And so more often than not, with our busy work and life schedule, we prioritize everything but ourselves. 

Next thing we know, we’re climbing up the age ladder wondering if we have truly achieved enough and whether we are leading a fulfilled life. 

Are we inspired to grow ourselves? To learn more? To be more? 

Enlightened Sapiens was conceptualized to do just that – Help us grow and inspire us to share our Experiences and Knowledge with our Community. 

We aim at creating an environment where we are encouraged to move out of our comfort zones and constantly dig deeper to lead us on a journey of continuous self-discovery.

A Platform where Knowledge is not hidden or made proprietary, but open to us all. 

A Community not bound to any city, state or country, but universal in the idea that we can all do our part to impact someone’s life in a positive manner. 

A Community that focuses on Collaboration to help turn each of our limitations into Strengths. 

Our mark symbolizes Knowledge, Growth and Empowerment. 

The Chakras are meant to ignite an inner feeling of Mindfulness and Empathy which will transform and adapt with time and according to each of us! It’s made simple enough to draw or sketch, which is why each of us can create our individualistic version of it.