Not my Final Words

The free verse poem on the perspective of beauty and the effect is has on the present, past and future. Does a flower once in bloom stop being beautiful? I sit here, Inside. Not Outside. With convenience. Luxury. Thinking of beauty, It’s existence. When does it start? and when does it end? For the love … Continue Reading

Why do I Forget?

A simple 5 line poem titled “Why do I Forget?” to inspire and remind us that we are all capable of Infinity. All we need to do is look within. #ESBookClub Why do I forget? Why do I forget I am whole? Why do I forget I am happy? Why do I forget I am … Continue Reading

Am I artistic or not?

We all live with some false crutch that we give ourselves – some believe they aren’t good in math, or technology hates them, while others believe that they can’t draw or paint and aren’t artistic. Most of these false realities (learned helplessness) have been reinforced in us during our formative years either by the education system or … Continue Reading

How I identified 30 species of Birds during Lockdown

  They say, silence can be deafening, and I think living in a city like Mumbai – we have never really experienced the silence that the COVID-19 lockdown brought with it. It’s funny – but most comments on zoom calls were about how people could hear birds in the background instead of cars. This was … Continue Reading

Rediscovering the Joys of the Mountains

They say there are 2 kinds of people, those who love the mountains and those who love the beach. I fall under the category of the former. My love for nature and adventure started while I was young – with my first hike when I was 8 years old. It was the first time I … Continue Reading

How I grew a Pineapple in my Balcony

It is not often that we associate travelling for work, with adventure. This is one such story. A few years ago, while returning back from some work in Pune, the driver informs me that we needed to fill petrol. As we were running dangerously low, we head to the nearest petrol pump before we could … Continue Reading