10 Things to do in the Lockdown to Lift your Spirits Up

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the entire world in a way that no one would have ever imagined. It has been over a year since we were confined to our homes. Initially, there was not much problem as reruns of various tv shows, social media trends and several activities kept us busy, but it lived … Continue Reading

Enriching and Enlightening Sessions

Covid is on the rise, I am at home in lockdown, our loved ones are sick, we’re all tired and everyday is uncertain. The days seem longer than ever before while simultaneously fusing into one. Hello from New Delhi, India. Hello from April 2020 2021. Our mornings start with a cup of chai and small … Continue Reading

You don’t have to be good at something, for it to be good for you

My ukulele had been sitting in a corner in my room for months. A few months ago I had been really excited about learning to play it and getting a step closer to my hippie dream but amidst all of the hustle-bustle of the world and my inability to complete any task, it became only … Continue Reading