A Poem titled “Amma” – My joyful sorrow and my sweet happiness is none other than you amma.

Coarsely gentle fingers,
Sipping that early morning coffee.
Lost in a trail of thought,
Serene and silent you seem to be.
Gossiping with dad,
Trying to wake us up,
"Is just another early morning for you".

Oiled hair and your favorite brown stick barrette,
Chopping the usual,
Seemingly busy with pots and pans,
On the go to satisfy everyone.

Energetic dance- fruity songs
Were a thing of the past,
Stuck in a loop of "duties"
I wonder what did we ever do for you?

That throaty snore when you sleep,
Kitchen lizards you scream to me!
Look you say, the outside world
what pretty people they are.

We: are your world
The beautiful colors in the rainbow too.
Are you a part of it too amma, are you your world too?

Here, I am surviving too,
Far, far away
Away from you.
Please now start being your world too.

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