The lines I clung on to in 2020

I live for the moments when I first discover perfectly well-crafted statements that speak of an unacknowledged truth that my heart so deeply longed for and then wished that it had said it first. But more importantly, I live for that moment when I am so awed by its beauty. And though there’s a tinge … Continue Reading

After Plath’s Fig tree analogy

This still from Bojack Horseman‘s last episode of season 1 evoked the fig tree analogy from Plath‘s novel, The Bell Jar which I always find myself going back to. Quoting the passage verbatim: “I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, … Continue Reading

Read a page before bed

Books always fascinated me as a child (and still do). I developed the habit of reading before bed or to be precise, reading in bed in my childhood. I’d be found reading Enid Blyton in bed, the night before the due date, trying to finish it before having to return it to the school library … Continue Reading