Big Dreams in Blue

“Big dreams in Blue” hits that sweet spot of just having moved on from a bad break-up. The tone of the poem is not melancholic. On the contrary, it feels like waking up from a hypnotic slumber of murky oblivion. It feels like the early morning rays of sun falling on your freshly washed face … Continue Reading

Fictitious Life

The poem ‘Fictitious Life’ deals with life of sacrifices of dreams to get a better future for our loved ones. This poem also deals with variations in decisions taken due to things being told by people and heart. This free verse poem is enhanced by repetition, alliteration and inversion.   Standing on the fire of … Continue Reading

Our Dream, Destination

Everyone has dreams. No doubt. It says a dream can give you everything but before you need to dream. And being a dreamer is like a hero of your own life. But, if there is happiness then there is sorrow also. Yes, we know, with which situation we are passing by. But trust yourself. It’s … Continue Reading