A male nightingale tries to serenade migrating females and its song is often quoted as a metaphor for love, beauty and poetry. In this poem, a lover relates his yearning for his beloved to that of the nightingale’s. Both lament for their muse…sharing their woes…and craving to be with their querida yet pining for varied desires.
The Nightingale and I The Nightingale senses my sorrow and wants to be with me. We lament together- she and I. While she sings with all her heart I cry mine out. She rants and raves for spring, dreams of bees and butterflies. The Nightingale wants to sip nectar from wildflowers and dance drunken steps on the lush forest floor. I, crave for those long, cold winter nights, snuggled under covers, reading poetry with you. With you I want to sip tea, talk about random things… and then my heart will be full again. The Nightingale sings sweet songs waiting to be reunited with her beloved. She calls out in her pure, strong voice to her love…more precious than emeralds and opals. I only want us to listen to songs together… in spring, autumn and forever. They’ve slowly become one like us… your songs have flowed into mine and mine have become yours. She yearns for moonlit nights, and pearly glow on leaves and trees. Those midnight-blue skies studded with armies of stars, under them it calls out…fervently. I feel lost without you… in the balmy, summer months. I too, like her, feel alone and lonely. Waiting for you. Hoping and praying for your happiness… but yearning for you… and the poetry… and our songs…