The Nightingale and I

A male nightingale tries to serenade migrating females and its song is often quoted as a metaphor for love, beauty and poetry. In this poem, a lover relates his yearning for his beloved to that of the nightingale’s. Both lament for their muse…sharing their woes…and craving to be with their querida yet pining for varied … Continue Reading

The beauty of English Vinglish

It has been more than a decade since English Vinglish was released, yet it stays fresh as ever! The strong screenplay and beautiful characterization are a perfect combination, which makes this film highly re-watchable. Also, another best thing about the film is it is ahead of its time and thus its long-lasting relevance. This blog … Continue Reading

My Happy List

It’s the little things in life, the unexpected surprises, the smell of coffee, the laughter of a baby, seeing a rainbow, that gives so much happiness that money can’t buy. Oh I had forgotten about it, Let me rewind a bit. An act of kindness. A word of prayer. Spreading the wings, To capture the … Continue Reading

Grief – A Journey

What is grief, if not love persevering? A dialogue which we heard and instantly connected to at the start of this year. We all experience this emotion after losing someone/something we loved. Grief is an emotion that is so strong, it weakens us to the core. But a thing about Grief is that it’s not … Continue Reading

Love is ‘YOU’

A short 6 line poem on the boundaries and expanse of Love. Love has no boundaries Well, mine is bounded by you! Love at first sight, is it? Well, my love grows at every sight of yours! Love is not losing yourself to anyone It’s about winning together!

Love yourself

In this, the author asks people to love themselves, and not take life too seriously. Shesays, we understand ourselves much more than anyone else and we know everything aboutourselves. She suggests that we take out time for ourselves in these chaotic schedules and enjoy little things inlife. You’re the only soul on this planet, Who … Continue Reading

Big Dreams in Blue

“Big dreams in Blue” hits that sweet spot of just having moved on from a bad break-up. The tone of the poem is not melancholic. On the contrary, it feels like waking up from a hypnotic slumber of murky oblivion. It feels like the early morning rays of sun falling on your freshly washed face … Continue Reading

Show some Love to Yourself

If you fall I will catch  you, I’ll be waiting time after time. You may think about who I am talking about in these hopeless romantic lines, you may think it maybe a soulmate, boyfriend or family. But no! If you think about any of these questions – that why aren’t you important and worthy … Continue Reading

Apocalypse and Nirvana

Hi! This blog is about some of the poems that I have written recently which describe the ongoing situation in some ways. The poems revolve around our daily lives and talk about society, love, hope and introspection. Hope you guys like it! Apocalypse This poem is about the power of true love which remains unaffected … Continue Reading

Never Forget Yourself

Life is a platform where you find many people. Some just pass by, some stay for a certain amount of time, some teach you lessons that is necessary for you to learn and a very few make a place in your heart forever. But there always occurs a confusion between connections and attachments. A confusion … Continue Reading