If you fall I will catch  you, I’ll be waiting time after time.

You may think about who I am talking about in these hopeless romantic lines, you may think it maybe a soulmate, boyfriend or family. But no! If you think about any of these questions – that why aren’t you important and worthy of your love, many of you might not know the answer or have just started thinking about it. There is nothing wrong if you don’t know about this, but it won’t be okay if you don’t question the importance of self-love for a long period.

Cultivating feelings of self-love can be sometimes challenging but once you are into it you will face every heartbreak or situation with a smile on your face.

For many people, the concept of love is an overblown theory and they often ignore its importance. People aspire to be perfect and perfectionism is considered a greater attribute than self-love. When we talk about self-love, it is easy to picture someone reading self-help books or hugging a tree; but self-love is much more than that.

Modern society is shaped in such a way that we are sort of bound to constantly compete against each other, or even ourselves. We grind in and out every week; even during the weekend ‘relaxing’ and ‘having a good time’ seems like a chore.

As a consequence, we end up being too hard on ourselves all too often without even realising it. All of us are more or stuck up and consumed by our work, social interactions, life goals, weekend plans, and so on.

We all like to spread love, but the question is –do we produce for ourselves? Self-love is not something that can only be gained by external sources but something that lies within. We often forgive our loved ones, but when it comes to forgiving ourselves we are unexpectedly too harsh

We were never taught about self-love in our homes or schools. We learned to put others first. We learned the importance of success. We learned to work hard and make money. But we didn’t learn to keep ourselves feeling fueled for that journey. Self-love is our fuel; it’s the foundation for who we are. Everything else is built on top of this foundation, and if it isn’t solid life feels shaky. All you need to do to pursue self-love is to prioritise yourself and your needs. Remember that you can’t love anyone until you love yourself. Find your happiness as it lies within you.

About all you can do in life is be who you are

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Nice to know that young people see things differently and have higher maturity levels than what we used to have at this age


That was a real eye-opener. Thank you for it. I really needed that reminder.


Beautiful ❤️


This piece connects so well qith the reader ♡

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