Take Some Time off to Spend It with Yourself

We all have busy schedules and deadlines to meet, so we often forget to think about ourselves, especially during these unprecedented times. It might be quite overwhelming and there’s always a chance of an impending mental breakdown and this highlights the need to take some time off from the hustle and bustle of our daily … Continue Reading

Monologue on Environment

We have seen the destruction of forests, extinction of species and the life-threatening disasters caused by humans. For how long are we going to ignore the climate change, disregarding it as a mere hypothetical occurrence? Realize the raging threats looming over our heads. It’s time to wake up! Realize the importance of protecting our only … Continue Reading

Nature’s Healing – An Enchanting Experience

Mother nature is a magnificent embodiment which creates and nurtures us to thrive and survive. It is considered as a creator and at the same time, a destructor following an imbalance in nature due to human interruption. Nature in its purest form transcends us into a state of relaxation and a calm mind, giving us … Continue Reading

Gratitude – A Beautiful Quality Everyone Should Possess

Gratitude is a positive emotion which is used to express a general state of thankfulness or gratefulness. It forms a major part of positive psychology, which is a branch of psychology dealing with positive thoughts and emotions. It is essential to inculcate gratitude in our daily lives as it is these little basic things in … Continue Reading