Monologue on Environment

We have seen the destruction of forests, extinction of species and the life-threatening disasters caused by humans. For how long are we going to ignore the climate change, disregarding it as a mere hypothetical occurrence? Realize the raging threats looming over our heads. It’s time to wake up! Realize the importance of protecting our only … Continue Reading

Nature’s Healing – An Enchanting Experience

Mother nature is a magnificent embodiment which creates and nurtures us to thrive and survive. It is considered as a creator and at the same time, a destructor following an imbalance in nature due to human interruption. Nature in its purest form transcends us into a state of relaxation and a calm mind, giving us … Continue Reading

First Rain

This is a poem about the light rains that we see just at the start of the monsoon and the way they leave the plants fresh and everything smelling of rain. The wind blew I heard it hum The windows banged And I knew, the rain had come Against the leaves I heard it fall … Continue Reading

Learning to appreciate Beautiful Wild Birds: Sounds, and the City

 “Never give up listening to the sound of birds.” John James Audubon This quote strikes me now in an altogether different way while staying in a small flat on the fifteenth floor. It has been almost two years since we moved to Mumbai, but my mind still reels back to the time we were in … Continue Reading

Acknowledgement of Beauty during the Pandemic

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet It is a famous saying that resonates time and again with everyone. There are myriad forms of beauty, but nature is the perfect one and overshadows the others. It is only now, during the  pandemic, that people have started appreciating the beauty of … Continue Reading