A Warm Embrace by Enlightened Sapiens

Imagine a cold evening with you and your closest circle of people sitting by the fire enjoying the warmth of each other’s laughter and feeling the hurt of each other’s sorrow. For some this same scenario maybe a hot beverage during the storming rains or a long walk in the park during sunrise. Basically I … Continue Reading

Life After Rains

“Who wouldn’t love rains? They bring out joy in us but the aftermath of heavy rains in reality is tough to deal with! Heavy downpour last night, My heart went lighter though! All the while when the water was logged, I found my thoughts becoming arid! City filled with roadblocks all over, People going to … Continue Reading

The Constant Force: Change

Human life is finite. What’s your life story? Big question. Let me start with a small story of myself. Life as usual Growing up I felt like an ideal society validated kid. I did what I learnt matters: Study & behave properly. Colouring within lines & wearing uniforms to fit in & maintain the decorum … Continue Reading

My Happy List

It’s the little things in life, the unexpected surprises, the smell of coffee, the laughter of a baby, seeing a rainbow, that gives so much happiness that money can’t buy. Oh I had forgotten about it, Let me rewind a bit. An act of kindness. A word of prayer. Spreading the wings, To capture the … Continue Reading

Grief – A Journey

What is grief, if not love persevering? A dialogue which we heard and instantly connected to at the start of this year. We all experience this emotion after losing someone/something we loved. Grief is an emotion that is so strong, it weakens us to the core. But a thing about Grief is that it’s not … Continue Reading

Take Some Time off to Spend It with Yourself

We all have busy schedules and deadlines to meet, so we often forget to think about ourselves, especially during these unprecedented times. It might be quite overwhelming and there’s always a chance of an impending mental breakdown and this highlights the need to take some time off from the hustle and bustle of our daily … Continue Reading

A Virtual World

In the digital era take a break to be amidst nature & enjoy real experiences rather than the virtual ones. Try and you shall never regret. Thank me latter! Every next second, the eyes check for notifications. After uploading a post, we await the responses, which comes in a range of comments and reactions. And … Continue Reading

Valuable Life Lessons Basketball has taught me

Having a passion in your life is as important as your profession. It is like loving yourself subconsciously. Developing a passion may be an easy task because you know what you like to do. But knowing what you are inclined towards is very important. It can be anything arts, sports, reading, writing etc. For me … Continue Reading

Gratitude in these Tough Times

In this heart wrenching situation all we pray for our loved ones to be safe. Everybody is feared right now and should be actually. All the health workers have immensely worked for our country and it’s high time we start acknowledging them and thank them with all our lives for being there for us. Mental … Continue Reading

The Magic of Laughter

When the Second World War was going on Winston Churchill was conducting an emergency meeting with the cabinet to discuss certain problems. Nobody in the meeting can come up with a solution which made Churchill upset. Suddenly, Lady Astor spoke loudly-“Mr. Churchill the way you behave if you were husband, I would poison your coffee” … Continue Reading