
As the name suggests this poem talks about an illusionary friend…a companion who is always there but not around…a Phantasm which is as real as it gets in this virtual world we are existing in! (Loosely inspired by June month’s ES Virtual BookClub writing prompt.) Goodbye to unconditional love, amigo! We’ve known each other since … Continue Reading

Life After Rains

“Who wouldn’t love rains? They bring out joy in us but the aftermath of heavy rains in reality is tough to deal with! Heavy downpour last night, My heart went lighter though! All the while when the water was logged, I found my thoughts becoming arid! City filled with roadblocks all over, People going to … Continue Reading

The Constant Force: Change

Human life is finite. What’s your life story? Big question. Let me start with a small story of myself. Life as usual Growing up I felt like an ideal society validated kid. I did what I learnt matters: Study & behave properly. Colouring within lines & wearing uniforms to fit in & maintain the decorum … Continue Reading

Grief – A Journey

What is grief, if not love persevering? A dialogue which we heard and instantly connected to at the start of this year. We all experience this emotion after losing someone/something we loved. Grief is an emotion that is so strong, it weakens us to the core. But a thing about Grief is that it’s not … Continue Reading

Do you always ‘Just Do It’?

Penning down my thoughts and getting them read has always been an intriguing fulfilling task. But guess that is exactly the most procrastinated task in my life – Actually writing stuff down. Turns out that I always practiced the mental form of thought collection in my head or at the most, talking to myself to … Continue Reading

Take Some Time off to Spend It with Yourself

We all have busy schedules and deadlines to meet, so we often forget to think about ourselves, especially during these unprecedented times. It might be quite overwhelming and there’s always a chance of an impending mental breakdown and this highlights the need to take some time off from the hustle and bustle of our daily … Continue Reading

Untying the Sutures of my Heart

The poem talks about letting go those thoughts that were a reason for constant misery. It also tells that bliss lies deep within and once discovered, we realize that all those tough situations that we have undergone were like a boon in transforming us. Letting free those sutures That were sewed to my heart, Each … Continue Reading

Show some Love to Yourself

If you fall I will catch  you, I’ll be waiting time after time. You may think about who I am talking about in these hopeless romantic lines, you may think it maybe a soulmate, boyfriend or family. But no! If you think about any of these questions – that why aren’t you important and worthy … Continue Reading

Apocalypse and Nirvana

Hi! This blog is about some of the poems that I have written recently which describe the ongoing situation in some ways. The poems revolve around our daily lives and talk about society, love, hope and introspection. Hope you guys like it! Apocalypse This poem is about the power of true love which remains unaffected … Continue Reading

Nature’s Healing – An Enchanting Experience

Mother nature is a magnificent embodiment which creates and nurtures us to thrive and survive. It is considered as a creator and at the same time, a destructor following an imbalance in nature due to human interruption. Nature in its purest form transcends us into a state of relaxation and a calm mind, giving us … Continue Reading