Realization with Poetry

I have never started a poem whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering. Robert Frost These lines sum up the art of writing poetry. Poetry as an art isn’t something grand or filled with verbatim but, it is us just discovering our thoughts and ourselves as we go on writing. I was barely … Continue Reading

The lines I clung on to in 2020

I live for the moments when I first discover perfectly well-crafted statements that speak of an unacknowledged truth that my heart so deeply longed for and then wished that it had said it first. But more importantly, I live for that moment when I am so awed by its beauty. And though there’s a tinge … Continue Reading

Learning to create a Painting Journal

 Life is a beautiful canvas filled with an array of colours: observe it, rejoice it and recreate it. Soujanya Nyshadham Isn’t it wonderful that we get to see different scenarios of life every day all around us? It is a blessing in disguise that also provides a sense of purpose. Long gone are the days … Continue Reading

Cascade – A Poem

Slow the pace to lifecame along days to findhaven’t so late to ridewhere to we seek and hide? Roved all these roads,to and fro the hill.Steep or heap ahead,hold they firm to will. A step or more to lentimprints carve all,rustless! not be silentlands the dream on wall. Drastic you feel nowconsistent, days prove onwhen … Continue Reading

After Plath’s Fig tree analogy

This still from Bojack Horseman‘s last episode of season 1 evoked the fig tree analogy from Plath‘s novel, The Bell Jar which I always find myself going back to. Quoting the passage verbatim: “I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, … Continue Reading

Learning to appreciate Beautiful Wild Birds: Sounds, and the City

 “Never give up listening to the sound of birds.” John James Audubon This quote strikes me now in an altogether different way while staying in a small flat on the fifteenth floor. It has been almost two years since we moved to Mumbai, but my mind still reels back to the time we were in … Continue Reading

Read a page before bed

Books always fascinated me as a child (and still do). I developed the habit of reading before bed or to be precise, reading in bed in my childhood. I’d be found reading Enid Blyton in bed, the night before the due date, trying to finish it before having to return it to the school library … Continue Reading

Stepping into the New Normal

The pandemic has affected our lives in many different ways and these collective experiences has impacted the society as a whole. Time has slowed down in many aspects of life, and the new normal has changed into something that could only be imagined in movies and fiction. On an individual or personal level, people have … Continue Reading

Experimenting with Miniature Art

Anything is Art if an artist says it is Marcel Duchamp It is amazing to find that many people find their calling in various fields. It might be painting, playing an instrument or dancing. Well I found Miniature Art amid this plethora of art forms. The love for Miniatures had started pretty early in my … Continue Reading

Things that seem selfish, but aren’t

It was a couple of days back when I suddenly stopped in my tracks and the weight on my chest seemed to be lighter. It was long overdue to say the least. Perhaps people out there who do not wish to bother others with their troubles can relate to this: we try to hold things … Continue Reading